Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS!

Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS!

I've gained a few customers here and there. But my thoughts on tossing brochures is that you're planting seeds, you just never know❗❗❗ I love doing it. I modified MY TOSSING by adding coupon codes when they shop online, it's convenient for the customer. I failed to add coupon codes. When I first, started with Avon I didn't know much about marketing, it's a learning process.

Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS!

Adding coupon codes has helped with online orders because customers are looking for savings and trust me I would be doing the same. It makes me happy to help them save money and they are also getting quality/value products for their bucks.

This is an OLD POST! From June of 2016. I hope you find this helpful! 

So to all Avon reps that see this post, I hope this is helpful to you when tossing. You can create your documents with Microsoft Word. For example, the pictures below. Do you have questions? Simply leave comments in the comment section below this post.

1. Tip: Always add your business cards to brochures.

2. Tip: Add coupon codes using your Microsoft Word.

3. Tip: Get your business cards at Great offers

4. Tip: Get clear literature bags at your Avon back office Under Sales Tools Item #058-433 pk. 50 / $0.80.
5. Tip: It's a learning process. We all start at the bottom and work to the top & depending on how hard you work to work your Avon business or any business you are in. Work hard & it will pay off in the long run. Never give up!. Work It!!.
6. Tip: We learn as we go.

7. Tip: Don't compare yourself to others.

8. Tip: Creativity

9. Tip: Honesty & professionalism

10. Tip: Sharing is Caring

11. Tip: I like Blogger it's free. Again I made the mistake of buying into a website & no results. Blogger is a Google product & I trust the Google Blogger platform, amazing.

12. Tip: Organization and discipline

13. Tip: Printing your labels SAVES SO MUCH TIME & MONEY TOO!! I handwritten it, it was TIME CONSUMING & LOSS OF MONEY!!! Never again!!..

14. Tip: Sign up to all social media.

15. Tip: Get your plastic covers for your brochure #246-520 - Supplies -Plastic Brochure Cover

16. More Avon Rep Tips with blogger platform @ tips for Avon Reps here


18. I recommend Pipdig templates in love with my Aruba Nights template for They also have templates for and

I have a passion for my Avon business. I'm doing it part-time because I have a full-time job at a large retail store. I love having my own Avon business online and face-to-face orders. I hope this is helpful to you.

Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS! Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS! Packing Avon Brochures to Toss & Lots Of Tips for AVON REPS!

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