How Do I Get Paid By Avon - Team Optimism

How Do I Get Paid By Avon - Team Optimism 

That's one of the most frequently asked questions from new Representatives! Find the answer right here!

It’s pretty easy!

New Representatives start at the Contender Sales Level. When your campaign sales are $40 or more, you'll enjoy a discount of 25% on beauty items and 20% on fashion and home products. So the difference between what your customers pay you and what you pay Avon is considered your earnings.

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How Do I Get Paid By Avon - Team Optimism

You want to collect payment from your customers when they give you their orders. This is very important!! That way when you place your order, you already have the customer's money to pay Avon.

Your customers pay you the full amount, and if your campaign sales are $40 or more, you pay Avon a discounted amount. That means you already have your earnings right in your pocket!

You can avoid the need to collect payments, place orders, and deliver products when you encourage your customers to shop your online store.

It’s no secret that today’s shoppers – including your Avon customers - expect to make purchases anywhere, anytime, and on any device. And guess what…Avon’s online shopping experience is second to NONE in the beauty world. In fact, Newsweek magazine ranked as the BEST Customer Service Online Beauty Destination for 2019. We have made the shopping experience for your customers so easily, and now it’s up to YOU to use this to your advantage!

Signing Up for Direct Deposit and Rapid Pay

Direct Deposit allows Avon to directly deposit your earnings from your online store sales right into your bank account, which is the safest and fastest way to get paid. We also suggest that you sign up for Direct Deposit for your other earnings and rewards so that earnings for all sources are deposited directly into your bank account.

Rapid Pay is the fastest way to get paid for online store orders that ship directly to your customers (direct delivery). With Rapid Pay you get earnings from direct delivery orders deposited into your bank account just 2 business days after they’re billed, no waiting to get paid. That’s money in your bank account that you can use any way you choose.

To get Rapid Pay, you must sign up for Direct Deposit for online store earnings.

To sign up, click on My Accounts (at the top right corner of AvonNow or in the menu at the top left corner if you’re on a mobile device) and select Get Paid by Avon in the dropdown menu. Then sign up for Rapid Pay Direct Deposit for your online store earnings.

And here's an illustration of where you can find the enrollment for Direct Deposit.


Sign up for a direct deposit for both Earnings and Rewards and Your Online Store Earnings. Here's an illustration of the page:

How Do I Get Paid By Avon - Team Optimism

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    AVON, THIS IS THE COMPANY that puts mascara on lashes and food on the tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and women’s financial independence. This company not only brings beauty to doors but also opens them. The company supports more than 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is Avon. For more than 137 years, the company has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism, and above all women.

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