Welcome To Team Optimism - Mary Vivanco AVON Rep Online

Welcome To Team Optimism - Mary Vivanco AVON Rep Online

This is Mary Vivanco, an independent sales representative adviser online. I am the owner of Team Optimism, a site for support for my Avon Reps who join my team or other Avon reps looking for support online. 
I have a passion for AVON products and an amazing opportunity to sell online and traditionally. I have been an Avon representative online since 6/8/2014. Learn about Team Optimism by clicking the links below.

Team Optimism is based on positivism, respect, professionalism, care, discipline, don't compare yourself to other AVON reps, creativity, honesty, working hard for your dreams, setting goals, and much more.

We All Have A Why | Avon Team Optimism

We All Have A Why | Avon Team Optimism


  • Join AVON today. See the details here.
Part-Time. Full-Time. AnyTime! Sell Avon 24/7 Online.
Beauty is the journey, empowerment is the destination. Beauty for a purpose - AVON

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Free shipping is available for $60 or more when you shop with a representative. No Code is required! - https://www.avon.com/features/special-offers?rep=maryviva. Reminder to add your FREE AVON BROCHURE to the cart at checkout...

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AVON, THIS IS THE COMPANY that puts mascara on lashes and food on the tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and women’s financial independence. This company not only brings beauty to doors but also opens them. The company supports more than 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is Avon. For more than 137 years, the company has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism, and above all women.

Thank you for your support online

Shop with confidence our products are magnificent. I love to share the best with my Avon customers online.

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  1. Nice site & informative as well... Keep up the good work.

  2. Great information on your site, thank you!

  3. Beautiful, site! I recommend...

  4. Glad to have found an Avon Rep Online. I enjoy your site and very informational and simple to navigate.


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